How We Got Started
GameDay Display is a family owned business and was created off of the love of sports, sports memorabilia and the drive to create. From the beginning GameDay Display has been creating products that anyone can use and proudly display their valuable memorabilia and keepsake items without breaking the bank. From idea, to startup and now with several years behind us GameDay Display is an online leader in sports related display. With the addition of key personnel and equipment we plan to continue growing and adding products to our portfolio. We invite you to shop around, get a feel for what we have and if you are in need of something that you don't see here please contact us, as we are able to work with you on getting you what you need!
Jake Palen
Owner / Creator - Jake is the one who got this ball rolling. His knowledge in manufacturing and applicable systems paired with his love of sports created what we now call GameDay Display.
Jacqueline Grande-Palen
Through her Faith, determination to quality, excellence and success Jacqueline has helped propel GameDay Display to what it is today
Palen Crew
We have all played a part in the growth of GameDay Display. Without Jordy Sanding frames in the Garage, Thalia starting up socials, Anthony painting in the middle of the night, Trent bending up displays, Chris applying hardware and Ty well, Ty really hasn't done anything yet but he will soon, GameDay Display wouldn't be here. Together we have all played a part!
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10